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Logbook Pro & APDL Newsletter March 2007 Edition
Windows Vista


Windows Vista is out and among us, some have already switched, some have systems on order, some are holding off.  Where does this put you?  Before you switch to Windows Vista it is important to understand the potential impact of your move to the new operating system.  For most of us, the impact will be minimal but also realizing it is a new operating system and it will take time to iron out compatibility issues that may arise.  There are no known issues as related to Logbook Pro for Windows.

For Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) users, rest assured as Microsoft produces Windows Mobile, you're covered.  However, when Windows Vista released Windows Mobile support was not yet available but released at a later date via a separate download.  Although ActiveSync 4.5 is now available for Windows XP (and prior) users, ActiveSync is NOT for Windows Vista due to the built in Windows Mobile Device Center (found in the Control Panel area).  Click here to download the drivers for Vista to function with your Pocket PC device if you have not already done so.

Now for our Palm OS users, the news isn't as good (as of this writing), hence, it is important to understand Windows Vista's limitations prior to switching operating systems.  If you are a Palm OS user, be sure to read the Palm Web Site information regarding Windows Vista.  Click here to read the compatibility information and how it may affect you.  Hopefully we'll see an updated Palm Install/Quick Install utility produced soon.

2007 Air Shows and Fly-Ins

For most areas in the United States, at least, warm weather is setting in and spring fever is in full force.  That means those of us seasonal flyers are hanging around the airports more, getting in the skies more, and the best part of the year for aviation is upon us.

Sun-n-Fun is getting ready to kick off in a few weeks in sunny Lakeland, Florida.  If you've never been to one, I highly recommend it.  For those hosting Air Shows, Fly-Ins, Fun-Fly's, dinner gatherings, aviation seminars, etc. contact us!  We'd like to participate and help make your event even better.  Send us any announcements, press releases, etc. to help us learn more about your event and we'll see what we can do.

Newsletter Archives - Articles of Interest

If you're not subscribed to our e-mail newsletter subscription list, you are missing out on helpful articles on how to get the most out of your software.  Subscribe to our strictly confidential e-mail mailing list and you'll receive all of our future mailings.

Over the years we have archived quite a few newsletters which cover product announcements, new programs at NC Software such as our new affiliate program, and numerous articles on various facets of both Logbook Pro and Airline Pilot's Daily Aviation Logbook.  I went through several of the newsletters from our online archive and pulled out a few articles of interest that may interest you. 

Newsletter Articles of Interest:

-Currencies (May 2002)
-Import Wizard (July 2002)
-The Explorer (Aug/Sept 2002)
-The Analyzer Part I (October 2002)
-The Analyzer Part II (Nov/Dec 2002)
-Spreadsheet Log Area Filter (March 2003)
-Enhanced Data Navigator (April 2003)
-Formatting Graphs (June 2003)
-PIREP Corner (by Paul Kinzelman) on Safety (Nov 2004)
-PIREP Corner (by Paul Kinzelman) on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (Jan 2005)
-Speed Logging (April 2005)
-Customizing Logbook Pro (May 2005)
-Close Encounters of the Federal Kind (by Paul Kinzelman - June 2005)
-APDL and Timezones (June 2005)
-Steps to Getting Hired (Jan 2006)
-How to quickly set a date filter (Feb 2006)
-Using the PDA Wizard (June 2006)
-What is the .NET Framework (July 2006)
-Considering a PDA? Supported Devices Explained (August 2006)
-Convert or Import into Logbook Pro (Sept 2006)
-Lost your Unlock Code? (Oct 2006)
-How to Transfer to a New Computer (Nov 2006)
-Do you have a Backup Plan? (Nov 2006)
-How to change the layout (Dec 2006)
-Getting Technical Support Fast (Jan 2007)
-Leg and Trip Guarantees Explained (Jan 2007)
-Steps to getting hired (Feb 2007)

Preparing for an Interview?  Meet the Analyzer

If you're struggling to figure out your logbook totals when filling out airline applications, FAA forms, insurance forms, etc. have no fear, the Analyzer is here!  If you're still using a paper logbook, realize it is absolutely impossible to provide the information these forms and applications want without the use of a computerized logbook, which is why Logbook Pro and the Analyzer is here to help.  Let's take for example the often asked, "what percentage of your total time is instrument time?"  Not too hard, now what if they ask, "how much is Instrument Cross-Country?"  Or, "how much Instrument DUAL have you had?"  Once you add a second dimension to the equation, you can pretty much close the paper logbook, place your head on top of the closed paper logbook and enjoy some much needed rest, go no further.  Now if you have Logbook Pro, piece o'cake!  Launch the "Analyzer" which will slice and dice your logbook data any way you need it.

At the top of the Analyzer, within the toolbar area, is a "Master Filter."  By changing this from "All Data" you are telling the Analyzer to filter the data to only show flights that have a "Dual" time entry.  As shown above we set "Dual" and now all the values represented below pertain to flight log entries with a "Dual" time entry (.1 or more).  So now you can cross reference Dual and any column header, such as ASEL above, your Dual ASEL total will be at the bottom of the ASEL column where the grand totals are displayed (out of view in the above image).

There are other great resources already available to learn more about the Analyzer:

-The Analyzer Part I (October 2002 Newsletter)
-The Analyzer Part II (Nov/Dec 2002 Newsletter)
-Logbook Pro Video Tutorials (7000 series lessons)

Help Us Help You

If you need assistance which cannot be found by searching our forums, knowledgebase, or documentation, please contact us using our Help Desk.  Do NOT e-mail directly into our support e-mail as it only delays your assistance as we have to ask questions which contain information provided when using our help desk directly.  We need to know which exact product you're having a problem with, keep in mind we have two separate Palm OS and Pocket PC applications (Logbook Pro & APDL), schedule importer software, etc.  We also need to know what version you are using.  If you're not using the latest available version, stop, update to the latest version and see if that fixes your reported issue.  If not, tell us the details of your computer (operating system, etc.) or PDA make/model (Treo 700w, etc.).  And most important, please provide your registration information especially if you're having a problem registering a product.  Please do not e-mail us and say "my registration code doesn't work" without providing us what information you're using as it will just further delay the problem.  Tell us what you have been issued for your name/unlock code pair and we'll be able to assist you typically within 30 minutes of your inquiry.

Again, please do NOT e-mail in your support questions, instead please visit and submit your inquiry using our web based system.  As you type your question the help desk will provide you recommended solutions based on the content of your inquiry, such as "Vista" and will most likely answer your question before you even ask it.  Thank you for helping us help you more efficiently, on the first reply is our goal.

Logbook Pro & APDL Matrix
Product Version
Logbook Pro PC Edition 1.10.26
Logbook Pro Palm Companion 1.10.5
Logbook Pro Pocket PC Companion 1.10.16
APDL-Palm OS 6.0.4
APDL-Pocket PC 6.0.5
APDL Schedule Importer 6.1.5

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