APDL - Airline Pilot Logbook 8.5 Released |
We are excited to announce the release of APDL - Airline Pilot's Logbook version 8.5. Now available on the Apple App Store. If APDL is already installed go to the App Store app then tap the Updates tab and if the update is now listed pull down to refresh the update list. APDL is FREE to new users for the first 90 DAYS. If you are a prior APDL user with an expired subscription, renew today and take 10% off using coupon code APDL85. 10% off APDL renewals are for use at NC Software only and the discount offer expires July 15th. Click here to renew now and save 10% with your coupon code.
Revisions in this Release:
- Weather in Schedule/Calendar views will now show Commute base weather on days off (if set) with fallback to Domicile
- Improve airport selection and default list to recent
- Improve Flight Info lookups in Leg Editor Resources area for FlightAware and FlightStats
- Move Sync menu item into Notifications section (top portion)
- When adding new duty the leg editor will now automatically open to create your first duty event.
- Airport Info view has more details about the airport, airport notes you can enter, and a new map view of the airport.
- Access by 3D Touch on Leg View airport rows or swipe left on airport rows and tap Info.
- Extended 3D Touch and row swipe actions to Leg Editor Payroll, Aircraft, and Position rows. Airport, Crew, and Notes already have this feature.
- Improve sync error messages when account issues are present
- Fix issues with Weather Map layout on iPhone X
- Improve duty editor validation text colors as a yellow value may persist when times are valid
- Fix a condition where hotel transportation alerts may be repeated
- Improve performance and accuracy of Calendar Sync and avoid duplicates
- Improve commute flight listing to avoid duplicate entries
- Improve performance in Search view
- Add airports: GOBD/DSS and TKG
- Fix a condition where excessive leg notes could cause sync to fail
- Improve error information when invalid data is entered in an input field
- Fix a condition where the notification bar would not dismiss
- Improve support for bold and large text sizes
- Improve text autosizing in Calendar view when text overlaps
- Don't show row right arrow in legality when there's no duty and the row shouldn't be tapped (Legality Status)
- Improve weather map radar image updating and allow user's to refresh with Tap to Refresh option
- Improve weather radar images with higher resolution images
- Don't show sick and vacation on Weather Map timeline
- Improve leg auto-forwarding with airports
- General bug fixes and performance improvements
Screenshots of new Airport Info and Row Swipe