September 2013 Newsletter:
Major updates to iOS and Android Apps |
We've been working extremely hard on our mobile updates and recently released major updates to our existing line of Logbook Pro mobile apps for both iOS and Android. Our commitment to our Logbook Pro Mobile subscribes you get all updates free and as both Google and Apple have released major updates to their operating systems (4.3 and 7.0 respectively) we work hard to ensure you have maximum up time on your mobile devices. We have also built a completely new cloud infrastructure, transparent to you, adding much more capability not only to our apps (including the upcoming APDL release) but also for future features we're working on coming soon.
For our Apple iOS app, as outlined in this release announcement, we updated the graphics for a new and fresh look, built in a completely new sign-in system so you no longer have to fuss with Account ID and Usernames (coming soon to Android), and added more features such as a completely new Aircraft Stats report, ability to only list your active aircraft types, improvements to calendar integration, weather, sky view, and most importantly performance.
Our Android powered aviators got a big update too, as outlined in this release announcement, adding Android 4.3 support, the new Aircraft Stats report, active aircraft type filtering, fresh new graphics, completely new button images for the toolbars, and various other improvements including much better performance in higher capacity data handling.
First and foremost a huge thank you to our outstanding beta teams that test these apps before they ever get to you. Our expert global community of Logbook Pro beta testers ensure the highest quality gets to our public at the time of release. Secondly, thanks to all of you for the continued amazing support and also communicating your ideas with us allowing us to add these great new features to help you as pilots. |
A few months ago we implemented a new cloud sign in for Logbook Pro Desktop (version 1.16.9) which you should be acquainted with already if you use any of our cloud based services such as Logbook Pro Mobile (cloud sync), Cloud Backup for Logbook Pro Desktop, or Airline Schedule Importer. In Logbook Pro for iOS version 5 we added the new sign in system for the iOS app replacing the Account ID/Username requirement that went into Settings/Synchronization to link to your cloud account. This makes sign in much simpler as it uses your same NC Software login as you use to purchase items from www.nc-software.com.
With the new login system, new users can create an account (link on lower left) directly from the app if needed or if you forgot your NC Software Account login, click the Forgot Login link on the lower right and enter your e-mail address and you'll be sent information to reset your password. We hope you like our new sign in system, a much more streamlined system as we continue to embrace the cloud, build up our cloud service infrastructure, and make things easier for you as our apps mature. We also take advantage of Apple's iCloud system for those of you with multiple iOS devices to make subsequent app setup even easier. Android users are expected to get the new sign in system in the next update now in development. |
iOS 7 is out and is fully supported |
We knew long ago iOS 7 was coming and we worked hard on our Logbook Pro for iOS version 5 release to ensure you had a seamless transition to the new Apple operating system for iOS. While we don't expect adoption to be as fast as prior iOS updates due to the completely new look and bugs to be worked out (7.0.2 just released today) we expect to continue support for iOS 6 for the unforeseeable future. Our next update will incorporate a new look for Logbook Pro when used in iOS 7 as we are excited about the new flatter and cleaner presentation. And there's a lot of great new magic in iOS 7 that we will be blending in as we continue to tweak your favorite pilot logbook app. But if you have been holding off, you are cleared for takeoff with Logbook Pro on Apple's new iOS 7 - it is fully tested and compatible. Again, this is our commitment with your Logbook Pro mobile subscription ensuring continuous updates of your product.
APDL v7 for iOS - beta tester surveys |
We recently sent out e-mails to our APDL beta tester volunteers and posted to our Logbook Pro Facebook timeline a link to our new questionnaire helping us select the best beta testers for the brand new APDL version 7 for iOS airline pilot logbook for FAR 117 and beyond. Thank you to all those that have completed this questionnaire. For those that want to be a part of the APDL beta team, click here and fill out our questionnaire. We will contact you when we are ready for you, so please be patient, the team will be testing between now until the product officially releases (and beyond with new features). APDL is in testing now but we have a long way yet to go with this complete rewrite, redesign, and amazing airline logbook application designed specifically for iOS. We do not have details on Android or Windows support at this time, our focus is on iOS until we stabilize the app and features. We have a roadmap that goes beyond initial release. The official release is only the beginning, more features will continue to be rolled in as time goes on and we solidify the existing features.
Our time for testing is limited and we do not have room for people that just want to see what APDL is. We need testers, active testers, contributors, those that have developer oriented minds, creative thinkers, actively flying airline pilots, analytical brains, great communicators. Our slots are also limited by Apple so we must screen the best and if you are not actively contributing you will be dropped without notice and we'll bring in the next person, so please, be active when you're invited in to the test program. If you are willing to be an active contributor offering ideas, testing the regs for FAR 117 limitations, then please, fill out the questionnaire.
We do not have any other details to release at this time regarding APDL. We will provide more information as we near release and announce the new product.
More updates coming (Mobile, Desktop, Route Browser) |
As you can probably guess, we have been massively busy, and with that, we have really fallen behind on some of our duties such as newsletters and video clips. We will resume these as best as we can but we have a ton in the works right now. We just released our first wave of app updates for iOS and Android and this is only Phase I. Phase II is now in the works and in a few weeks we'll begin testing the next round of app updates with more features we have been working on.
APDL is proceeding well but there's not much we can say about it right now as it's a top secret project. Logbook Pro Desktop will have a maintenance release coming in the near future as well and align with some new functionality rolling into the next round of app updates. We have also been working on the next update to Route Browser after we have acquired this product from Flight Central. Our schedule importer team is working on the next major architecture of our leading airline schedule importer technology enhancing integrations and capabilities. The Logbook Pro Desktop team is working on the next major update to vNext for Logbook Pro desktop as well.
We've been working hard and some great updates are in the works. And to support what we have coming, we've added two new people to our support team; Welcome aboard Andy and Steve.
Thank you for your continuing support and we greatly appreciate your business.
Interviews are ramping up, get ready now |
As expected, the airline industry is ramping up hiring, probably the fastest pace we've seen in a long time. If you are hoping to get hired be ready NOW! I can't stress this enough, we get so many inquiries about short notice interviews! Be ready now and then when you get called you will be ready.
We published articles in the past such as this one to help airline pilots prep for interviews. Here are a few links to help you get the items you need for Logbook Pro when it comes to interview prep:
- Commander series binder: This is our highest capacity binder and recommended to use for now and the rest of your career. Most likely your entire logbook will fit in this one binder and you won't need to deal with carrying a box of books/binders.
- Commander series paper: This link provides you with the paper options for printing and other accessories for your commander series binder.
- Data Entry Service: If you don't have your data in Logbook Pro yet, NOW is the time. Average pilot logbooks take approximately 6 weeks. With this service we will take your logs (or photo-copies) and do a line by line transfer from paper to digital. This will give you the highest fidelity logbook to get all the crazy numbers needed for airline applications and also for our AirlineApps.com Summary Report which does all the hard work for you. We offer an expedited service for those on a really tight timeline. Please see the link for details and an estimator that will give you an estimate based on approximate line count. Fees are based on lines entered, not flight hours.
- Turn-Key Printing Service: You can print on your own in Logbook Pro, we made it as simple as possible, however, if you don't have a great printer or the time to fiddle with it, we will do it for you. There is no limit to the paper needed like we once had, we will do your print job on our color laser printer all included in the price. We can also provide you a digital copy of your turn-key job so you can have that on your iPad or favorite tablet as well. We will print you a nice color cover page and all the reports listed at the turn-key product description giving you an interview ready solution. We offer an expedited service if you need it fast and we've done this so fast we've had it at the hotel the next morning by 8 AM in some cases! We are here to help you get hired!
If you need help - ask us! We will do all we can and help you in any way we can. If you have questions about how to get values for your applications, send us a backup and we'll do what we can to help you get anything you're stumped on. Best of luck on your interview!!! |
Getting the numbers you need from Logbook Pro |
Logbook Pro provides you many options of getting data out of your logbook in various areas. First and the most valuable tool is the Analyzer. I'm surprised how many aren't even aware of this handy tool available to you. Try it now, click View...Analyzer. This gives you an advanced system of filtering your data (click the drop downs to turn things on/off) you can pivot data, switch to percentage view instead of number results, you can set a master filter and get sub-item totals, you can get breakdowns by aircraft type even further to the Ident/Tail number if needed. Click here for the documentation on the Analyzer and click here for video tutorials and also on YouTube.
Take a look at the various reports as many show you information that can really be beneficial. The new aircraft stats report comes in handy under Reports/Aircraft. The AirlineApps.com Summary report is extremely valuable to future and present airline pilots. In Reports/Flight log are various summary reports but also the Percentages report is a great report to review. Reports/Misc has others that are valuable with recency information such as Lookback and the Summary Bar Report.
Finally, the Logbook Explorer (view menu) has great information for you. Take some time and explore and you'll see that Logbook Pro is not just a simple spreadsheet that some think it is because that's just the input system. There is more to Logbook Pro for data presentation in many ways from the Explorer, Reports, Analyzer, and Charts that no other logbook product on the market can touch. We worked 16+ years on this project to help all pilots get what they need out of their logbook and we aren't stopping here. |
Join our free affiliate program and get paid to spread the word |
We are approaching holiday season believe it or not and we have great products and updates coming soon, wouldn't you like to earn money for simply spreading the word? No fine print, simply join our free affiliate program and send out a link to your friends in an e-mail, post to Facebook or Twitter, if you have a web site we provide you banner ads to use. And when you log flights using Logbook Pro for iOS when sharing your flights to social networking channels such as Facebook or Twitter the links can embed your affiliate ID so anyone that visits and purchases you get commission!
Why not? Join now. |
Product |
Version |
Logbook Pro
Edition |
1.16.9 |
Logbook Pro for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad |
5.1 |
Logbook Pro for
Android, Kindle Fire, and NOOK |
4.0.6 |
Browser |
2.2 |
Airline Schedule
Importer |
8.4.8 |
Click here to download updates as required. |
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